Cocoa Butter Kisses Letra
Letra de Cocoa Butter Kisses traducción en español, interpretada por Twista en el álbum Other Songs. Encuentra artistas similares, canciones y más. COCOA BUTTER KISSES: Letra, vídeo musical, canciones relacionadas in my hoodies, all my homies think it's dank / I miss my cocoa butter kisses / I miss. Todas las letras de Chance The Rapper en esta pagina son en orden alfabético. Chain Smoker letra · Chi Town Christmas letra · Cocoa Butter Kisses letra. Encuentra la letra de The Stairwells – Cocoa Butter Kisses y busca a The Stairwells. Escucha música online y consigue nuevas recomendaciones, solo en . Todas las letras del álbum Acid Rap de Chance The Rapper. Tracklist del álbum Acid Rap. 1. Good Ass Intro; 2. Pusha Man; 3. Cocoa Butter Kisses; 4. Nate Fox & Lili K., y mira las ilustraciones, la letra y artistas similares. Acid Rap () · Good Ass Intro letra · Pusha Man letra · Cocoa Butter Kisses letra · Juice.
Best of all. Better keep a box in your pantry! For even if you could pick fresh oranges right off the trees, you wouldn't get better juice tban already-squeezed, richly- concentrated, quick-frozen Birds 're Orange Juice. Just one little tin makes a pint and a half of delicious Juice. You can buy Birds Eye Orange Juice in the flozen food section of your gro- cery store. You can keep it el- liieir frozen or mixed. Buy several cans at once, store the extras in tile freezing compartment of Spur refrigerator.
To make juice, pour Birds Eye concentrate Cocoa butter kisses letra Shaker or glass jar, add 3 parts Jd water, and shake hard. Wou can stir if you want to. As quickly sat that, you'll have the sweet, llavorful orange Juice all ready to be poured into the breakfast S asses or into a tall, cool tcher for afternoon refresh- Went.
Hot, fragrant tea with cream ol lemon added. It's a sa- tisfying change, even If you ordinarily drink something else. But to give thought to cocoa butter kisses letra brand you buy. If you want fine, de- licate flavor, then take home a package of Maxwell House Tea.
Chance The Rapper - Cocoa Butter Kisses (ft. Vic Mensa & Twista) - Lyrics
Its makers buy the tender, young tea leaves and then blend them skillfully Into a bouquet of flavors. For lunch- eon or dinner, nothing is more delightful than Iced tea: and few beverages, If any, are more economical. But it's surprising how many people cocoa butter kisses letra vest in eggs, milk, shortening, seasoning, and other cake In- gredients and then cocoa butter kisses letra to luck with their cake flour!
There's a vastly Important difference between cake flour and ordinary flour. A difference in wheat, a difference In milling. To have fine, even grain and velvety texture, cake has to be made with special flour. That's why Swans Down is the largest-sell- ing and most successful cake flour in the world. It's made only lrom soft winter wheat, milled to such sllklness that it's almost powder fine.
In your cake, It's soft and tender and downy When you bake, bake with Swans Down Cake Flour. But you couldwith nothing to show for your impulse but a scattering of ashesprovided your table were surfaced with one of the new mar-proof laminates recent- ly Introduced in a collection of name-designed furniture. Breakfast tables and kitchen counters have, for several years, possessed similar. But there the resemblance ends. There Is nothing that looks back- of-the-house about these pieces, which range from a traditional mahogany dining table to a leek modern cocktail table with an ebony-like gleam.
A number of Interesting new finishes have been developed In connection with these, melamlne designs. For those who like their furniture to look the way it con- ventionally does, there are real woods which have been sealed in plastic for extra durability, or there are photographic wood- grains.
Cocoa butter kisses letra give-away is their perfection; the reproductions lack the usual knots and gnarls found in most wooden furniture.
Modernists who like the new and different will be Intrigued with table tops of plastlr-treated fabric, which may be matched with coordinated drapery or up- holstery material. Or perhaps they will prefer an Interesting textured surface pro- duced by the combination of fab- ric, paper and wood. This finish is warm In appearance and ac- tually offers a feeling of depth to the fingers.
Also a departure from the con- ventional are chalk-white table tops, combined with black iron for summer dining. There are pastel-tinted ones, which may herald a new trend in decorator- colored furniture. These are made of paper treated with plas- tic.
Makers emphasized that the new finishes are not merely a surface coating. The melamlne plastics are an essential part of the structure. The laminates, it was pointed out, "usually consist of many plies of high-strength paper saturated with melamlne resin. Top layers are frequently constructed of a layer of alumin- um sheet for heat dispersion, a decorative layer of wood, fabric or printed paper, and a top layer of pure melamlne resin.
This new. Young woman ear. If you want your children to be as close to their father as they are to you, don't do any of these things: One. Don't ever say to them. We can't count on him. Don't blame their father for any rules that are difficult to enforce or that you feel are too harsh.
But sharing the responsi- bility for an unpopular rule or a "No" that Is going to be resented shows children that their par- ents are standing together for their welfare. When asked for permis- sion to go some place, don't say, "It's all right with me if it is with your father; but you'll have to ask him.
Don't let the children see that their father has done some- thing to hurt your feelings. Chil- dren naturally turn on anyone they think has done their mother a wrong, and what may be Just a passing difference between your husband and you may seem far more serious to your children.
And It will be father who gets the blame. Don't use their father to threaten them with. In questions involving family finances don't say: "Dad says we can't afford it. Briyk Jrn. Fabric impregnated with plas- tic forms the unusual top of this coffee table. Matching draperies add interest and im- portance to the piece. NEA A strik- ing.
East Indian sailors. This designer In- terprets the lascar costume in two colors, red and blue. These are the colors cocoa butter kisses letra lascars wear, em- bellished by the striking white embroidery that these sailors do themselves. The embroidery, too, appears in these Interpretations, which are done In hardy topsail.
A sun dress, In the beautiful blue of the lascars. A cen- ter pleat runs from walstHne to hemline. Scrolled embroidery In white outlines the neck, the hal- ter, the front skirt panels and is used lavishly on the pockets.
Stem-like pedal pushers, silt at the sides, are worn with a loose- fitting overblouse right also slit at either side. The blouse slips over the head easily and the neck Is slashed toa narrow V. White embroidery appears on the jacket only; It's used around the neckline, on the shoulders, sleeves and down the sides.
Sleeves are cut full and wide.
Chance The Rapper - Cocoa Butter Kisses (traducción) (Letras y canción para. Letra de Cocoa Butter Kisses de The Stairwells. Cigarettes on cigarettes, my mama think I stank I got burn holes in my hoodies, all my hom.
Two new loves! EVEBY woman loves shopping especially convenient shop, ping! Wise to the cocoa butter kisses letra needs of his customers, Mr. Hom- sany, of Zig-Zag, has opened a new sewing accessory depart- ment. Wow, when vou buy fash- Ion by-the-yard at Zlg-Zag. Something to sing about!
Extra delicious luncheons will be serv- ed at popular prices. Azcarraga at the or- gan. It all adds up to fun! Sheer loveliness! Felix Maduro's latest shipment Includes cool, cool cot- tons, bembergs, nylons. Monday and Tuesday the last days of the sale. Sale ends Tuesday. Illusion Accents Curvaceous Calves Many women wear their skirts at half-mast as a gesture of mourning over skinny legs. This works fine, In seasons of low hemlines. Now that styles are growing shorter, however.
It's a good idea for those with this problem to turn to less conspicu- ous measures. Illusion is your best aid in over- coming this beauty defect.
Letras De Canciones Cojines
This applies both to your clothes and your bodily stance. Dresses with vertical lines are your best bet for achieving proportions that are apparently more In keeping; with your legs.
The way you stand also has a great deal to dp with the beauty of your legs. Plant your feet wide apart, so cocoa butter kisses letra you appear to be balanced on two slender stems, and the effect you present to ob- servers will be that of a long-leg- ged heron. It's that fatal strip of daylight shining through that causes the sklnnlness of your calves to stand out. Make a practice of standing with your legs close together, one foot slightly behind the other, and chances are that on-lookers' will assume there are more rounded contours than meet the eye.
Be careful not to overdo thi trick, however, lest you achieve a one-legged effect. Rogara Mfa. Browne Entertaining This Afternoon Mrs. Carl J. Browne Is giving a tea this afternoon at her home In Balboa Heights for several of her friends who ire leaving soon on summer vacation trips to the Un- ited States. Lawrence D. The wedding took place yester- day afternoon at five thirty o'clock In the Duke University Chapel at Durham.
Webster graduated last week from Duke University. He -and his bride wiU reside in Durham. Lyons To Spend Year in the U. Lyons will sail Friday on the SJ3. Cris- tobal for New York. William Franklin Clary, son of Mrs. Wil- liam Franklin Clary and the late Dr.
Clary of Cocoa butter kisses letra, Tennes- see. The wedding will take place Wednesday evening, June the twentieth, at eight o'clock, at the Cathedral of St.
Luke In Ancon and will be followed by a recep- tion at the home of the bride's parents at Diablo Heights. Grefe Give Supper Party Mr. Donald C. Grefe entertained a group of their friends at an informal supper Earty Thursday evening at their ome in La Carrasquilla.
Eugene C. Lom- bard of Balboa Heights. She is expected to sail Wednesday on the S. Ancon from New York. Miss Lombard has completed her junior year at Mt. Holyoke Col- lege. Lynch and Daughter Returning to California Mrs. Earl S. Tney have spent the past two months with Mrs. Lynch's parents, Mr. Howard M. Fuller, in Ancon. Ancon to spend the sum- mer cocoa butter kisses letra her parents, Mr.
Hlnz, in Ancon. John J. Schribner on her birthday anni- versary, Mr. Jenni- son, Jr. Ancon, after completing her so- phomore year at Tufts College, Medford. Her en- gagement to Lt. GUmer Young Waggoner, Jr. A controversial figure all his Ufe, Delacroix was loved and hat- ed for the wrong reasons. He was considered a great revolutionary because he was a leader of the ro- mantic movement. Yet the suc- ceeding generations did not fol- low him in the production of large scale romantic pictures.
His gods, tigers and bedouins would be forgotten long ago were it not for their magle col- or harmonies. His real revolu- tionary act was his subtle de- composition of color with which cocoa butter kisses letra paved the way to Im- pressionism. Daumier was first of all the "Michelangelo of caricature," the untiring satirist of the rulers of the bourgeois society.
Yet in his greatest paintings, cocoa butter kisses letra which unfortunately none Is on view at Wildensteln, he shows himself also as a compassionate friend of the poor and the meek. Although he is considered one of the pioneers of naturalism, the Wildensteln show clearly demonstrates that his paintings contain already elements of much later developments.
His loose and free way of painting and his powerful brushstroke seem to herald im- pressionism. The nervous sensibility and striking descriptive power of his line points to the new humanism of the post impressionists.
His "Mother and Child" Is, at least partly, an anticipation of ab- stract painting. F The language of Delacroix is rich. His gesture is not without a certain grandeur. Yet Daumier speaks with a human accent that is the hallmark of the great.
Cocoa butter kisses letra J. Hantahan is 8tate President of the C. William N. Taylor, new se- nior president. Is succeeding Mrs. Hugh H. White who left last week for permanent residence In the United States. She will be great- cocoa butter kisses letra missed in D. A timepiece, set fears ago, still keeps accurate ime today.
It Is a sundial set atop the north entrance to a famous old border Indian forth on the main street of this town near the Rio Grande. The sundial was made by an early settler, Jose Villarreal. He polished the dial carved number on both sides and placed an iron pointer through the center. The dial Is gauged to the Mexi- can time of and consequent- ly is 30 minutes behind today's Central Standard Time.
Cocoa butter kisses letra the morning the pointer casts its shadow on the right side of the faced to indicate the cocoa butter kisses letra. In the afternoon the shadow Is on the left side. In winter one must look at the pointer from the south side. Legend Is that Villarreal climb- ed to the top of the fort on a clear night and through a hole drilled In the center of the dial located the North 8tar.
When he had the timepiece at the correct angle In relation to the star, he set lt with mortar. That was in He had kept his hand in at flying in the interim and so was a natural to be commission- ed as an Air Force major when the United States entered World War II. He had wanted combat but soon found himself behind a desk in New Delhi, where he thought he would be stuck for the duration.
The scene chang- ed and Whitney, by then a col- onel in Intelligence, work, was assigned to the North African theater, where Montgomery and Rommel were soon to clash at Alameln. Werner Pantheon was writ- ten by a Berlin newspaperman, now one of the editors o the America n -sponsored tung. The story port In Germany between 1under Nazi rule. Though fictional In fon. Cristobal to spend the summer at her stu- dio at Woodstock, New York. A hundred years of Cocoa butter kisses letra history has been gathered Cocoa butter kisses letra a fascinating story centered on a famous San Franoisco build- ingthe Montgomery Block.
Completed in by Capt. Hen- ry Halleck later to become Lincoln's Civil War chief of staff this solidly built edifice came through the earthquake and fire of with minor damage. Important authors and their works are given fairly full treatment while lesser literary lights are given enough men- tion to place them In proper perspective. On the whole lt s la reference book that may also ; be picked up at random for pro- fitable and enjoyable reading. Ancon June 11 for a sum- mer visit with his parents, Mr.
Charles Lester, in Bal- boa. All who are eli- gible for membership in the D. Reservations mav be made by te- lephoning to Balboa All nurses on the Isth- mus are cocoa butter kisses letra to attend the meeting. Prompt attendance is requested to this meeting of great importance to all the members. I By Appoint. Gordon Co. Next to Bulck Agency Tel. Special Cocktail Prices. Westinghouse re- i:igeretor, excellent condition, ntw ppearonce.
Phone 2- 63H. One rr7riogany dresser Quariers B, Cutundu Heights. Porcelain finish throughout. Very good con- dition. Phone Pedro Mi- fuel offer 6 p.
Apply 11 -A. Margorita Street, New Cris- tobal. Leba, ha aalh the bait ami can ia tawa. Land Cruiser, leather upholstery, radio, excellent condition, priced for quick sale.
Call Balboa Must sell Crosley convertible. Good condi- tion. Duty paid. Apartment A, Curundu. Rodio, elect. Windshield Wipers, good tires. Phone Any time; B, Coco- li. Washet; chair- side Mognavox radio-phonograph. House -B. Phona Must sell in a week, Plymouth 49 and Kolser 49, both, immaculate.
Also Koher- ing Doudie, concrete mixer, Pan- ama Priced for imme- diate tale. Call Curundu No oil between chonges. A-l condition. Call or In good con- dition. Call P. House B, Curundu Heights. Tropidura Stores. All guaranteed. One hot plate, stoinless, cocoa butter kisses letra new.
One youth cocoa butter kisses letra wtih mattress. Perfect condition. Coll Beech cottages, Santa Clora Box number Phone Panama oi Cristobal 3- Electric ice boxes, gas stoves, moderate rates. Phone 6- or Santa Clora Beach Cottages. Two bedrooms, electric refrigera- tion. Rockgos ranges. Phone Bal- boa Except weekends.
Paitillo entrance Vio Brfi- sario Porras. For information 33st, No. Two months only. July ond August.
Phone Pon. Evenings Mr. Good quiet neighbor- hood. Coll Panama or Balboa Curundu Hgts FOR SALE Oldsmobile 6, 4- door sedon, duty paid, like new, excellent running, low mileage, plastic seat covers, finance avail- able.
Good mileoge on gas. Coll Cristobal. House Cocoa butter kisses letra. New Cristobal. FOR RENT;Attractive spacious of- fice, airconditioned, 90 square meters, PBX telephone and janitor service ond all modern convenien- ces, accoustic ceiling ond floor, must be seen to be appreciated.
Martini Building. Maple bedroom set. Venet - ion blinds. Kitchen cabinet. Bed frame. Gross rug. House 32 New Cristobal. Troin transformer 25 cycle. House C William- son Place, Balboo. Apt 4, No. June 2 UP. When there's a fire here, it isn't necessary to wake the entire town to get the volunteer fire depart- ment on the job. A new FM Radio system has been installed with a receiver in each or the 27 volunteer fire- men's homes.
On a signal from the police ra- dio dispatcher's office, an alert is automatically relayed to each of the 27 sets. The system is so de- vised that only fire calls get through. Fire Chief Clarence Van Aus- dale is so pleased with the system that he. S3 North Ave. S Martn Sosa Street Tel. Edward Moffat, His brothers, David. Stock cruiser, Chrysler powered. Luxuri- ous sleeping accommodations for 2 in forecastles, 4 in beautifully arranged deck cabin, completely screened. Large galley, private toilet ond washroom, full length hanging closet.
Large comfort- oble cockpit. Large storage space for ice. Numerous cabinets. In excellent condition, fully equipped and many extras, ond ready to go.
Moster electric motor, volts Co- lon J. Romero wonderful conversational system. Estudiante St. Floyd Siegfried owns one of the first dolls pa- tented in America. It is a Orelner, patented tnwhich she acquired while pursuing her hobby of collecting dolls.
In addition to the prized Orel- ner, she has another early mo- del, a Jumeau doll of a French! Curundu One day hortly after his ar- rival from Ewlng. He rode his pony.
Yankee Doodle, to school and has been doing to since. Call Uruguay No. Apply telephone office hours. Good location, Bella Vista, No. Coll G. Rouch, Co- lonMonday to Friday.
Must wash clothes. For two people only. Ap- ply to Venezuela St. Canal Zone: Ee?. Free Estimates NA. Direct C. Shipments At Factory Prices. Porras Plan 6 de Mayo Panam, R. Tuesday at the Ancon Community Theater. The principal address will be delivered by Edward A. Doolan, Personnel Director of the Pana- ma Canal. John H. Ray will make the President's address of welcome and Roger C. Hackett, Dean of the College, will make the pre- sentation of the class of Dean Hackett will also announce the honor award.
Frances Farrell will deliver the farewell address. The complete program for the commencement service follows: Procession, "Marche Pontlfi- cale," Gounod. Father Thomas Byrnes, CM. Mary's Mis- sion. President's Address of Wel- come, Cocoa butter kisses letra H.
Edward A. Presentation of Class ofMr. Roger C. Hackett, Dean. Awarding of Diplomas, Mr. Si- gurd Esser, Acting Superinten- dent of Schools.
Alexan- der H. Shaw, Balboa Union Church. Recessional, "Pomp and Cir- cumstance," Elgar. The audience Is requested to remain seated until the Class has marched out. Cooking essential. Muct live in. Apply E. June 2 UP Everyone knows that curiosity killed the cat but in this case it killed a rat. When they arrived on the scene, they discovered the rodent electrocuted inside an electric motor which it apparently had been exploring.
The short circuited motor caused all the smoke and excite- ment. The Rev. Earl G. Hlsson, Jr. The minister expects church attendance to Improve after a few weeks of "bike brigade" operation. Maryfield said a dimly remembered tip from a professor enabled him to continue his medical practice even though he has been blind since Maryfield said after he be- came blind, he recalled a profes- sor's words that diagnosis was based 70 per cent on case histo- ry, 20 per cent on touch and 10 per cent on sight.
He said he worked toward eliminating that 10 per cent. The doctor studied bralled and typewriting and gradually re- gained his self-confidence. Then he sold himself to his patients, building as large a practice at Rocanville, Sask. The Smiths are showing a special in- terest in the public administra- tor's office as a meeting place these days. International Hotel First Aid For Cocoa butter kisses letra "Dry cleaning" your hair Is the best substitute you can make for an actual shampoo when you have a cold, or when you're try- ing to avoid a cold.
To get your hair thoroughly clean, you'll need a good brush and six strips of gauze to cover the bristle area of the brush. You should use two strips at one time, pushing them down on the cocoa butter kisses letra tles. Now start brushing vigorous- ly and keep it up until the gauze Is sailed. Peel off the gauze, "pack" the brush with fresh strips and begin again. When you've finished, dip a cotton puff in a light cologne, part your hair In several places and' apply the cologne to the scalp.
Now use-a fluffy bath tow- el to dry your scalp thoroughly. Then give it a brisk brushing, i: 'mi the scalp outward to the ends of cocoa butter kisses letra hair. Your hair is clean now, and ready for pincurling. Set It in the usual way. You may find that you'll want to use this method several times a month for cleans- ing, cold or not, since the brush- ing stimulates the scalp and makes for beautiful hair.
John Carroll University, which gives evening courses in "How to Appreciate Baseball Games" under the tutelege of members of the Cleveland Indians, has inaugurated a special series of lectures on English composi- tion. The college, feels, evidently, that law officers should know more about writing technique than the skill required in writ- ing a traffic summons.
The first group cocoa butter kisses letra 20 patrol- men will study the writings of Shakespeare. Henry James and Emily Dickson, among others to improve their prose style. Monday, Weenead'ay, Thunday la S p. Saturday I a. He did not cocoa butter kisses letra a will or name his relatives. Moonshiners Cheat Govt. When the officers raided a still atop Sand Mountain, the whisky-makers leaped over a foot bluff.
Two agents scrambled after them. They cocoa butter kisses letra the chase, however, when the moonshiners drop- ped off a foot bluff.
Air Force planes and British troops, are battling an Invasion of mlle- wide columns of desert-hatched locusts which threaten to wipe- out Lybia's agricultural econ- omy.
Prompt action by a combined force using new and ancient techniques and equipment are believed to have 'contained" the first assault of this biblical plague of the Middle East. Ac- tion centers in the desert areas south of the vast Tripolltanlan oasis, which houses and feeds 75 per cent of the Lybian popu- lation.
The force of more than men. Officials of the In- ternational desert locust survey of Nairobla, East Africa, describe the situation as "the worst lo- cust threat since "' "If they ever get out of hand, said W. Flight C" of the seventh air, rescue squadron from the u. When the swarms are spotted I British Tommies strike out in'I trucks and Jeeps, loaded witnj poisoned bran, along the desert1 f track that leads nearest the' site.
Now we use a new chemical, 'gamexlne,' manufac- tured in Cocoa butter kisses letra. We used mo- vies, lectures and literature to try to convince the Arabs the new poison wouldn't kill their, stock and so get their coopera-1 tlon.
Nothing worked. A little psychologoy finally turned the trick, "I got a group of Arab lead-i -rs together, assured them the' stuff wouldn't hurt their ani-1 cocoa butter kisses letra, then, to prove it, I ate a' handful of It myself. Wth- spread four Inches wide. In a couple of days, we had all "They fly then in clouds that I the native camel drivers we literally darken the sky and de- needed for the Job. In cocoa butter kisses letra to the tactic of open warfare adopted by all other Eastern European Com- munist states against the churches, the East Germans are using more subtle methods to subdue the Roman Catholic and Protestant churches.
Few ar- rests have been made of the clergy.
Chance The Rapper - Cocoa Butter Kisses (Lyrics)
No churches have been closed. No trials have been held. No "national'1 church has been established. In other words, none of the brutal methods em- cocoa butter kisses letra by the other Commun- ist governments is being used. Instead, the East Germans have adopted less sensational, but nevertheless effective, mea- sures such as these: 1.
Established a special cocoa butter kisses letra security service" to watch over church affairs, to spy on reli- gious meetings, to check ties with western churchmen and to cocoa butter kisses letra all mall. Banned East Berlin children from attending West Berlin schools.
Prevented religious instruc- tion of youth by prohibiting it during school hours and sche- duling compulsory Communist- controlled meetings during the hours when children might at- tend religious classes. Forcedby indirect pressure Eastern clergymen to desert their posts and flee to the West. Replacements from the West are stalled for months and even years by red tape. Taken control over all re- ligious charitable organizations by means of the sta,te run "Volkssolldaritaet'' organization, which Is In charge of all social welfare and which organizes the fund-ralslngs for Commun- ist Korea now rs it did for re- bel Greece two years ago.
Banned the circulation ot such important Catholic pub- lications as "Petrusblatt. Most other ecclesiastic publications are also proscribed unless they support the East German Com- munist state. Unlike the rest of Eastern Eu- tope. The remainder belong to the Evangelical Church, which has a history of German nationalism. Therefore the Communists cannot make the usual attacks on "ties to the West. The other nuns were from France and Malta.
Chinese officials charge that during the past 30 years up- wards of 2. Germany into the North, Atlantic defense setup' the stage still can find some use in limited toleration of the' church.
Therefore, the more open as- sault is against the Roman Ca- tholic Church. Recently th, Communists have organized I "hat" demonstrations through the "co-operation" of other Communist states. Recently a Romanian exhibi- tion- of anti-western propagan- da, Including a torrent of antl-j Catholic slogans and speeches, toured East Germany. This la- the greatest toll taken by fir within the memory of St. Tho- mas Governor DeCastro. An In- vestigation has been ordered.
June 2 UP A ' brief but violent windstorm that' lashed the southern part of Ml- ' chlgan with gusts up to 01 miles an hour last night snapped afoot pole on which a circus aero-bat was performing. Alfred J. Forest, year-old acrobat plunged to his death be- fore a crowd of spectators.
The wind snapped his pole about 7 feet from the top. He fell, still clutching the broken section of the pole. Winds elsewhere caused a tree to fall on an automobile, killing the woman passenger.
Those attending the Metal Powder Association's De- fense Show here saw examples of the revival in the form of projectile cocoa butter kisses letra made of com- pressed powdered iron. Oificlals explained that the pressed metal part keeps the projectile on a stralghter course than conventional copper fit- tings which incidentally, are in short supply.
An Association spokesman said pressed powdered metal is being used to make bearings In machines ranging from pop-up toasters to airplanes with the dual advantage of needing no lubrication and facture. The technique of pressing Kwdered metal is said to have en developed by the ancient Egyptians, but died out, was revived only recently. Emlle G. Martin o Old Cristobal became the bride Mr. Tne reremonv took place at half-past stx o'clock Saturday.
Jane 2nd. Richard Soyster, of Gam-1 Her cocoa butter kisses letra were a bouquet of boa, played the traditional wed-! The vows were exchanged be- fore an arch of palms and gar- denias. Standing baskets of white gladioli flanked the Im- provised altar which cocoa butter kisses letra lighted by tall white candles.
The bride was escorted and given In marriage by her father. Cocoa butter kisses letra fitted lace bodice had an off- cocoa butter kisses letra sweetheart neckline and short sleeves. The very full nylon net skirt was ballerina length. The fingertip veil of il- lusion fell from a Juliette cap of lace medallions. She wore pearls, short lace mitts and carried a bouquet of white roses showered with ribbons. Miss Janet Martin was maid of honor lor her sister.
She wore a gown of blue lace and nylon net over taffeta. The dress was styled to match the bride's gown and with It she used -pearls and wore matching lace mitts. Her flowers. William Willumsen was best man for Mr. A reception was held at the re- sidence following the ceremony. The mother of the bride received with the guests. She wore an aqua print dinner dress with harmonizing accessories and an cocoa butter kisses letra corsage. The bride's table held a three- tiered wedding cake, decorated by the bride's sister, Janet and topped with a bride and groom.
White roses and baby's breath centered the table, which was covered with a white polnte Ven- ice cloth. White tapers In silver holders completed the decora- tions. Colin Lawson served the cake, after the bride cut the first rJlce. Donald R. Brayton served punch and Mrs. William Willumsen had charge of the guest book.
Martin drove the bride and groom to the Tocumen airport where they took a plane for Miami. They will spend a month's honeymoon in Miami and at the bridegroom's home In Belhave. North Carolina.
Upon their return they will reside at l!. Her aress was of light green tulle over matching taffeta. The fitted bodice had a V-heokline and short sleeves and the full gathered skirt was balle- rina length.
She carried a bou- quet of red rosebuds. Foreman graduated from St. Mary Academy In June, Foreman completed his edu- cation in North Cocoa butter kisses letra and served for two years in the U.
Mies Yvonne Martin, sister of the bride. She wore pink tulle over matching taffeta. It was made with a strapless bodice and she wore a stole of tvlle. Miss Louise Zlmme. June 2 UP Makers of -television sets ask- ed Congress yesterday to suspend credit curbs on TV sales for 90 cays so they can sell half a mil- lion sets piled up In their ware- houses.
In addition to the TV men, au- to dealers, mortgage bankers and farm cooperative spokesmen ask- ed Congress to scrap or modify various parts of the present con- trol 'aws.
Nurses, however, asked for even tougher anti-lnflatlon laws. They said runaway prices and hisli taxes have reduced them to a condition of distress. Other economic developments: J modities was Robert A. Tail, president of Stromberg-Carlson Co.
He said present credit controls which require a 25 per cent down paymenthave stopped low-ki- tome families from buying TV sets and have plunged the indus- try into depression and unem- ployment. Charles C. Freed of Salt Lake City, speaking lor the National Automobile Dealers Association, said present restrictions are drastic and harsh" and keep milMons of working men from buying new cars.
Former 8enate Democratic whip Francis J. Myers of Penn- sylvania, argued again for an end to all credit controls on con- sumer buying. Maurice R. Massey, Jr. He said rent controls decrease the number of houses offered lor sale, and argued that credit curbs on existing property would put the real estate business In great jeopardy. A council spokesman said in cocoa butter kisses letra case Congress should turn down iood subsidies and the one-year "parity" freeze asked by the Administration.
Parity is the yardstick used to determine a fair price for farmers. But Mrs. Elizabeth K. Porter, president of the American Cocoa butter kisses letra Association, said that runaway prices, high rents and taxes al- ready have reduced the nurse "with her meager salary to a con- dition of distress.
Zimmerman, cocoa butter kisses letra Gatun, haa chos- en Saturday, June 23, as the date of her wedding to Mr. Harold E. Small, Jr. Small, of Hud- son, New Hampshire. The wedding will lake place in the Gatun Union Church. She is em- ployed by the accounting section of the General Manager's office at Mount Hope. New York. He has resided on the Isth- mus since and Is employed with the U. Levers Bend Jse ' S.
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